Wills & Estates
Most people understand that they should have a Will. This is necessary in order to provide direction on who will be appointed to look after your estate after you die, and how your estate is to be distributed.
However, many people who recognize the need for a Will, often overlook the need to make provisions for who is to make decisions for them if they are still living but incapacitated from making those decisions themselves. A Will only speaks from the moment of death; so many people are surprised to learn that their Will is of no assistance in providing direction on a person’s wishes while they are still living.

The Law Firm of A. Gordon Shepard Professional Corporation believes that everyone should have a Will, and everyone who needs a Will, also needs a Power of Attorney to provide direction if they are physically, mentally or geographically incapacitated from doing the things they would otherwise do. These things include decisions over money and property, legal matters, health care decisions, and end-of-life decisions.
We offer basic Wills at a cost of $250.00 plus HST and out-of-pocket disbursements. Complex Wills are billed on an hourly rate basis, based on actual work done.
We offer basic Power of Attorneys at a cost of $150.00 plus HST plus disbursements. More Complex Power of Attorneys are billed on an hourly rate basis, based on actual work done.
Other services offered include:
Estate advice
Applications for Letters Probate and Administration
Estate litigation
Infirm Persons Act Applications for appointment of a committee to manage the affairs of a person
Trusts to benefit dependents